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США /  Houston /  Manny, 48

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был онлайн более года назад
ID 307374
Типаж 171 см
79 кг
Семейное положение двое детей
Образование Бакалавр
Работа President - it consulting
Желаемый возраст избранницы 33-37 лет
О себе Водолей
Не курю
Выпиваю в компании с друзьями

I enjoy travelling to new places, fine dining, clubbing occasionally and dancing :), watching comedies, understanding different cultures, going to museums, swimming, working out, visit the outdoors (nature trails, wildlife, camping, hiking, jet skiing), continuing to educate myself, learn and evolve with the times; basically living everyday to the max. I believe in 'doing the right thing', putting myself in others shoes before making decisions, and find pleasure/satisfaction in surprising and making those I love happy/smile, which in turn makes me happy/smile. When it comes to loved ones, I think with my heart, not my head. My head is for my business side and when it's comes to family, it's not business :) I guess I'd say I'm emotional (ssshh don't tell anyone lol) but life without emotions is meaningless and I don't do things that don't mean anything. A part of my life with meaning: I left my job and started my business on the day my daughter was born; 5+ years ago. I felt like Superman, only stronger; like I could walk through brick walls but even Kryptonite couldn't bring me down ;) Nothing could stop my ambition to succeed. Everyone said don't take the risk of leaving your job, you have a new born; your first born. But life was all about her and I wanted more than the best for her, more than what I ever had for myself. She was my first motivation. Then my son was born on 11/11/11. Another special child on a special day! Blessed is how I felt! Now I had twice the motivation! I couldn't believe my luck; the doors kept opening up for me. It's like I had the master key (ambition) to all the doors (success). Of course I had to 'work like a dog' to make it happen (pardon the expression - love dogs).

I'm looking for a woman who can be a friend, a companion, a life partner, loves and accepts me for who I am, finds happiness is my happiness, values family, loves chldren, is giving and accepting, fun and outgoing, and willing to spend the rest of her life with someone who will make sure she is always happy.

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